Thursday, July 30, 2009

Which factors should be considered when choosing the appropriate engraver?

There is a great number of bands of engraver of laser on the market, they have their own thoughts towards the engraver buying the project. So much how to choose the qualified engraver? No engraver of model can satisfy all the customer the 'condition with S. By choosing the engraver should regard these factors to you as following: follow the d�velopp of the periods, achieve the need for your device of process and your the direction, you with your reality of company grant develop, meet the needs for your customers of company; Since the needs, the direction of development and the reality of company is different thus you should choose the different engraver.
Follow the development of industry: is the direction of development of engrave the industry of production.
ask the engraver has these functions: convenient actuate the system; only the convenient ones actuate the engraver can meet the need for production, and it becomes possible to encourage a person to actuate some engravers. Only one person is able to use some engravers can show him the advantages of. Currently, the convenient ones actuate the system have following incorporation: the car aim at the knife, car replace the knife, monitor in real-time, memory of stagnation point and so on.
Super strong stability and prevalent possibilities of cooling: The service which without superb-strong stability and prevalent possibilities of cooling cannot ensure its working time, it cannot show the advantage of the production one or the other. Superb-strong stability is determined by the choice composing and the exposure of the parts of wiring. The point of disagreement is if the manufacturer adopt the component of importation and if they have the possibilities independent of research.
Continuable levelling: the engraver can renovate conveniently is another request for production. The engraver who without continuable possibilities of levelling will incite you to invest unceasingly. If the manufacturer have the total possibilities of research determine if the manufacturer can update persistantly.
ask the engraver has these functions: continuable levelling; according to the customer the 'need for S the engraver should update constantly.whether that the manufacturer of engraver has the overall possibilities of research becomes the point of disagreement; and if the manufacturer of engraving has the engraver of series of speciality of research becomes the key point, too.
You achieve device of process;you with your reality of company grant; Each engrave the company of production should choose the engraver different of measurement and specifications according to the device of force and process of the company. For example, when the company give the priority to the great sector of width, it should choose the engraver 1.2H, if the company 'the capital doesn of force of S 'the rich person of T it comparatively choose the machine of ratio values high.
Achieve the customer requirement of company, customer 'conditions of S have the following primary education aspects: character of engraving; the character is determined by the precision of engraving, function of software of design and excellent technical last of process. The engraver must adopt the imported machine of electricity, post of wire roll of the dice and the rail of guide in order to ensure the sound engrave the precision. You must have the compatibility of powerful software and then can apply the excellent software of design. If you want to hold of excellent technical last of process, the manufacturer or the retailer should offer the formation about last techniques of process.
Ensurance of time of the delivery: the ensurance of the delivery period is determined by the speed of engraver and the quality of the after-sales service. Lie speed of engraver mainly above if the engraver has the following functions: the speed of engrave and the walk of offer of employment separated, the round precept of arc and the subdivision, safeguarding the material automatically composed, of the goods of knife choose arrangement.
The engraver 'the quality of service of S is determined by the following aspects:if the suppliers of product hold the perfect system of after-sales service, so taken the nice after-sales provisioning of components, if have the advanced engineer of technique of diath�se, if have the excellent thoughts of after-sales service. If manufacture have the abundant capital force, if can develop persistly related with research, the product, the sale and the service of engrave equipment.
The price of the execution of engraving is on the cost of engraving
Engrave the cost in correlation to the engraver whom the execution has the following aspects: if made adapt the capacity to the production, so taken excellent regular execution, if the long time of favours functions and so on. We hope that we can help you buying your satisfactory engraver.
All the factors above must obtain provement Internet, in this way you will gain deeper include/understand about the machine and of the factory.
Tryout the machine many and many times and know that each factory 's distinguish and support.
How to exert best the effectiveness of work of engrave incise the machine?
In order to it defense of safety and the high effective production, the most important thing is to ensure the equipment 'maintenance daily of safety; If you can do that, not only can give the life of the machine but also can keep and improve quality of production process all the hour, carrying out the regular high output finally.
Work please like articles below 1. melting well the source of the electricity of laser and the machine tool (Ti of chuang) must have the good protection of the ground. The line on the ground should employ the line on the ground rented that less than the 4Q.The need consist:(1) work of source of the electricity of laser ensures normally.(2) give the life of use of the pipe of laser.(3) avoid the external interference which can cause the jump of machine tool.(4) avoid the discharge with high pressure which can cause the trauma circuit by chance, in a god the 'interest of S! in a god 'interest of S!
2. the cooling water should run expeditly
If the water tap water or pump of circle must keep the flow of water expeditly. The cooling water is employed to conduct the heat of the pipe of laser, plus the temperature of water is the output of power of high lower light (take the fine of temperature of water 15-20oC); When the cut water it causes the end of the glare of pipe, break even the source of laser to accumulate heat in the cavity of laser. Thus it is very essential to inspect if the flow of cooling water expeditly constantly. When of water pipeline the cut forcedly or released that causes the failure of water pump, must repair to you promptly, for fear the power descend or even cause the glare of equipment.
3. the maintenance of cleanliness, nice exclude the wind, maintenance of cleanliness of rag constantly of machine tool is the essential state for the machine tool functioning normally. Think just how dare move when our articulations are not flexible. The same principle, rail of guide of machine tool is the components of core of utmost precision, you must wipe after the completion each work, maintain glabrous and lubricant; each axletree should pour oil termly, in order to make the order flexible, treated exactly, gave the life of use of the machine tool.
4. the temperature and moisture of environment
the temperature of environment would have in the range 5-35. The particular notification is that if you employ it in the environment that at the freezing point you must do this: avoid the water of circle freezing in the pipe of laser, must rigorously pour water to you after the suspension of the machine. If open the machine, laser the current that electric must then heat more than five minutes can function. In the dark and moist environment, the source of the electricity of laser needs a longer time of pre-heating. It can then throw the pressure with the exlusion of wet undoubtedly, in order to avoid the shooting with high pressure of circuit to far.
5. Correctly use the key with high pressure of laser
When the dial by �the key with high pressure of laser, source of the electricity of laser in hold-with the field, when the fall through the handbook emit the light � or the abuse computer, it will send the laser light, and the people or the matter of evil unconsciously. Thus if you put the 'process of T without interruption you should stop the laser with high pressure after having finished each work. (you put the 'need for T to stop the electric current of laser. The operator east prohibit to leave while passing when the machine functions, for fear occur precipitation. We propose that your continuous working time would have less than 5 a.m., can start you during 30 minutes.
6. Starting from the great capacity of the electricity or strong equipment of jolt
The great abrupt interference of capacity of electricity will have like consequence the failure of the machine, although it is not often to occur should avoid your best test to you. Thus, like the large machine of welding of electricity, the enormous dasher of electric current and the large equipment of the electricity of change of transport should keep from. Even less strong equipment of jolt. Like the tremor caused by the machine of forging press and the vehicles mobile with long basins, the ground the 'obvious tinkling of S. They are not very friendly with the precis engrave.
7. Defend the incursion of the thunder
As long as your building can defend the thunder. The first node of this nice ground of section is good to defend the thunder.
Particular suggestion:
In the sector unstable Net of electricity (for example: the push of pressure exceed 5%) please install a stable source of pressure which the possibilities exceed 3000W at least, defending the push of pressure suddenly and the circuit or the computer burns.
8. maintain and order the stability of the PC
To order the PC is mainly employed to order the equipment of engraving. Unless being added install the sofeware flat essence of design, should make you the special machine for the special use without failure.
Since after the computer install the chart of network or the wall of fireproofing which kill the poison, will badly affect the speed of machine of order. Please put 't install the wall of fireproofing which kill the poison. If you need the chart of network to the tansmit the data, you are prohibit to employ the chart of network before actuating the engraver.
9. maintenance of rail of guide: because them materials which should be treated will produce a mass of the powder dust. Methods of maintenance: initially, employ cotton fabric to eliminate the lubricant and dust primary educations from powder on the rail of guide. After clean rag it, please sweep a lubricant apartment on the face external or side of the rail of guide. Period of maintenance: approximately a week.
10. maintenance of (machine of time): after the period of functioning machine of time, in the machine of time and exclude the pipe from wind will accumulate the abundant powder dust. The dust of power will affect the effectiveness of exclusion of wind and the result in abundant dust cannot be excluded. Methods of maintenance: detach the throat of connection to exclude the pipe from wind and the machine of time, unload the pipe of exclusion of wind, clean dust in the machine of exclusion of pipe and time of wind. Period of maintenance: approximately a month.
11. tighten the stability of the screw: after the system of sport functions stated time, the screw in the connection of sport is loosened, when the loosened screw, it affects the peace of the movement of machine. Methods of maintenance: use the tools which attach given as well as the machine strongly to the screws one. Period of maintenance: approximately a month.
. maintenance 12 of objective: after the machine functions the period, the objective adhibit an apartment of dust, in this way it will reduce the rate to reflect reflect the objective and the rate of permeation of objective, and it will finally affect the effectiveness of work of laser. Methods of maintenance: employ the pledget slightly plunging the ethanol rag the surface of the deasil of objective, to eliminate dust.